George IV
In the delightful historic market town of Baldock, surrounded by peaceful wooded countryside, stands the charming country pub called the George IV. The pub is just a stone’s throw away from the stunning Weston Hills, a Local Nature Reserve sight on our doorstep, on the slopes above Baldock. Exposing the area’s history of chalk quarrying since at least the Roman times, trackways, pits and quarry faces can still be spotted in parts where nature hasn’t completely taken over yet, in between pockets of grassland rich in wildflowers that attract a variety of species. Located near some interesting local landmarks, the George IV is but a few miles away from the world’s first Garden City, Letchworth Garden City, which is home to a wide range of plants, flowers and memorials, offers something quite distinctive with a unique heritage and some fascinating places to explore. The rural wooded setting, where the George IV finds itself, offers a great opportunity to explore our local walking paths before warming up by our open fire for one of our signature pub classics.